Навигатор по рубрикам сайта

26.11.2021 11:21

The editorial team of the website «Православная Жизнь» heartily congratulates Metropolitan Anthony (Packanich) on the anniversary of his episcopal consecration. May the Lord strengthen him in his responsible servicing in the vineyards of the Christ!

24.11.2021 12:40

Советы от архиепископа Иова (Смакоуза)

20.11.2021 22:21

Всю жизнь человек познает Бога: сомневается, теряет, находит

12.11.2021 12:02

From the report of the Director for the temporal affairs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Anthony (Packanich) at the International Scientific Conference «Conciliarism of the Church: theological, canonical and historical dimensions».

11.11.2021 09:02

Metropolitan Anthony (Packanich) tells about faith in the life of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.
