The editorial team of the website «Православная Жизнь» heartily congratulates Metropolitan Anthony (Packanich) on the anniversary of his episcopal consecration. May the Lord strengthen him in his responsible servicing in the vineyards of the Christ!

We publish 15 important thoughts of Master.

About happiness

Happiness is a condition when you are loved and when you love. A person is happy when God is in his soul.

About suffering

Suffering is a person's meeting with God. Face to face. The certitude of suffering and pain is a tragedy of a person and his own salvation.

About death

Love is the only way to immortality for the living and the dead.

We need to prepare for death from birth by destroying the earthly frameworks, earthly perception, attitude, being.

About loyalty

Fidelity is the Alpha and Omega of our being, both in our relationship with our Creator and in human relationships. Without loyalty, it is impossible to create anything, to give birth, to organize ... it is impossible to move forward.

About courage

True courage is the ability to love another person, to love despite of the fact that this person may disappear from our life, despite of the rapidity of years, despite of logic and age, time and distance.

About forgiveness

It is important to forgive, despite the inflicted pain, to forgive, despite the strong offense, to forgive, despite the illogicality of this step.

We need to forgive for the love to the Lord, because He commanded it, this is His new testament for us, His main desire — to forgive for the devotion to Him.

About sadness

Sadness is a sign of a searching soul. And everyone needs to drain their measure of sadness to the dregs. Sadness is the infinite soul’s loneliness for God. It cleanses and pacifies.

About fear

If a person does not free himself from the ball and chain of fear, the total death will wait for him.

Fear cuts off the path to salvation, sobriety, it kills hope. Fear is a bad adviser. It serves evil and will never give good advice.

About tenderness

Tenderness unbosoms soul, and it begins to preach diligently about the Almighty and see the world in His Light.

About love

The Lord created this world out of love, He gives us everything we need to be happy in this life. The main thing is that our life should not go down the drain, but it should become a preparation for eternal life.

Love is the absence of fear, it’s the trust.

Fighting for true love is the most beautiful and responsible thing that exists on earth. Only real brave men can do it. And if we have such a privilege — to suffer challenges for the sake of love, to be faithful to God's covenants, to fulfill and humble ourselves in the face of God's will for the love to the Lord, it is the great honor for all of us.


Опубликовано: Fri, 26/11/2021 - 11:21


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