The metropolitan Anthony (Packanich) told the importance of Apostles’ fast for believers.

Apostles’ fast is beginning this Monday, the week after the Trinity Sunday. The date of the beginning of the fast is not fixed and depends on Easter. Fast can last from one to six weeks. In this year, Apostles’ fast starts on 15th June and ends on 11th July.


Apostles’ fast is not as strict as the Lent. However it’s not the reason to ignore it.

In all days of fasting, except Wednesday and Friday, it’s allowed to eat fish. Diseased, pregnant and aged people can keep the fast not as strictly as it’s written in Rules. Thanks to summer season, when fasting starts, we can use vegetables, mushrooms, berries and fruits for preparing meals.

Apostles’ fast was observed by Christians since the first centuries of Church’s existence. At all it was set later, when cathedrals in the name of preeminent apostles Peter and Paul were based in Constantinople and Rome.

The pivot of fasting

So, there’s a reference of Apostles’ fast in the «Apostolic Tradition» of III century, showing us the full image of life in the Church in that period. At that time this fasting refilled, compensated the Lent to all believers who couldn't keep It before Easter.

It’s said in 33rd chapter in «Apostolic Tradition»:

 «If are at sea or for any other necessity did not know the day, when they have

learned it they shall fast after Pentecost.»

During 50 days after Easter it was impossible to keep fast.

The Fast of «Peter and Paul» was called later, and its pivot was emulation apostles in their servicing who by praying and fasting prepared to their great mission — Evangelical preaching.

The metaphysic in action

But before they could preach in the world, saint men had made their hard way of knowledge of God and origin of true faith in their hearts.

Then apostles realized the Resurrection of God as the celebration of defeat of death, the victory of absolute, highest justice above human’s mind. Further, the Ascension happened — the establishing of the way to God and communication with God, and finally the Feast of the Holy Trinity came — the Birthday of the Church of Christ, the reference mark of the new era. In short time Apostles courageously overcame the main phases of knowledge of God opened for a searching soul.

By outlasting all these and growing up in faith and in Holy Spirit, they stepped up to undertake the commanded by God: «Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit» (Matthew 28:19).

That’s why the next logical level of endless comprehension of metaphysical meaning of existence, at sight after the feasting Triodion, is the glorification of apostolic servicing. Exactly by the Apostles’ fast, dedicated to preeminent apostles, we sum up the period of knowledge of God and Revelation.

What is important to do during Apostles’ fast?

Firstly, considering that from ancient times the special mission of the Apostles’ fast was to compensate the lost on the Lent, it’s allowed to follow this instruction nowadays. It’s the perfect possibility to get into shape what was started but not accomplished before Easter. To forgive your neighbor, to change yourself, to help someone who needs support, to overcome the evil and increase remotely the kindness, firstly in your heart.

Secondly, to step on the apostles’ path is to experience the Resurrection, His Ascension, to feel the unity of Trinity. Thirdly is to undertake what is commanded by apostles.

Particularly the instruction of Paul to all of us from the First Epistle to the Thessalonians: «Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you».

And gladness, and genteelness, and ceaseless prayer are fruits of Holy Spirit which are commanded for us to attain all our life.


Recorded by Natalia Goroshkova


Опубликовано: Mon, 28/06/2021 - 12:01


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