There is an opinion that war factors into technological progress. It is well-known that big scientific discoveries require financial injections, and that they’re often inseparably connected with the development of the MIC (military-industrial complex). Governments are ready to go to the development of science only if the results of such research will provide its strength, protection and efficiency.
In other words, it has turned out everywhere that technological breakthroughs happen primarily in the military-industrial complex and only eventually descend on the branches of the national economy, penetrate into everyday life. And, of course, all the "creams" of discoveries are reaped by the military-industrial complex, which devours trillions.
Unfortunately, the world is being drawn into the arms race once again — into the bottomless black hole. These are thousands of unrealized social, economic, and cultural projects. Such madness. And, it seems, everyone understands this, and even each side declares its commitment to peace, but, in fact, they prepare for war.
If a person is called up to war, so only to spiritual one. To the daily defense and protection of his immortal soul. Spiritual life is essentially the same war. We arm ourselves with prayer, focus our attention, keep a fasting, monitor our thoughts, words, actions. We purify the heart from evil, do good deeds. It’s the hard work. And if there is a hole in the "wall" of our spiritual "fortress", evil penetrates through it into the soul and conquers space.
In the fight against evil, only a layered defense system is effective. But if you knock out one segment, a peg, it will be vulnerable. Both small and big feats are needed here.
Besides the fact that war is immoral, it is also extremely irrational. A human cannot be considered as a tread, a gear, a unit. Every person, a soldier, is a destiny, unborn children, geniuses who have not been showed to the world.
Many of us still remember our fathers and grandfathers who participated in the last terrible war. How they reached to life, to the sun, to children, and how they appreciated the world and the blue sky. There is an opinion that real front-line soldiers, "comfreys", who saw the war, shouted at night and rose to attack in a cold sweat, talked about the war very unwillingly. They did not like to remember it.
The Lord has the power to solve any problem of a human, of a human community. You just need to convince yourself and understand that only to Him you need to have your eyes on, turn with your requests to. And everything will be resolved in the best and unexpectedly creative way.
War never solves anything, but it only compounds and drives the problem deeper.
Recorded by Natalia Goroshkova
Опубликовано: Fri, 04/02/2022 - 12:23