The one of the signs and displays of our times is regular whinge.
People continually whine at the drop of a hat. For example, it’s too cold for them in winter, and it’s too hot in summer. And it would be a different matter if the case was past times, when human’s life depended upon weather — drought or freezing could destroy all harvest which could result in starvation, or, possibly, in death. But in our too comfort time of conditioners and heating, for people, who don’t depend on hard work on fields, by contrast with our forebearers, it’s, at a minimum, inappropriate to complain about a weather.
And this is not only about complains on weather. Now, it seems that there’s not a single thing which we wouldn’t complain about. Of course, we’re not talking about real problems which people can face. Just think what we suffer from, what overbalances us. «Ah, this shop closes at 11 p.m., and doesn't work overnight — how awkward!», «These bananas are not mellow enough», «This train is late on three minutes. How awful!». Watching these sufferings of people with smartphones, someone from recent past would make a «cuckoo» sign. And he would be right.
Human too fast gets used to good things and starts taking it for granted, like his unalienable right. And, if we remember the Sacred history, this is not the apparition of our times.
Let’s remember the jewish people, whom Moisei moved from Egyptian bondage. Primarily, society, being deprived of insufferably work and burden, complained about Pharaohs' persecution. When Lord showed His power and destroyed the persecutors, saved people began to complain about mean fare, and when Lord sent them the manna from heaven, it wasn’t enough for them… And all this was happening during regular miracles, presented by Lord. What to talk about us?
So, exactly the same happens with us. We take for granted all goods which Lord gives us in this life, and we continuously growl. We’re not satisfied. Everything is not enough for us. And, as a result, this growling ends up with bigger problems.
We get used to goods, forget to thank Lord for them, and by feeling little discomfort, we start growling and whining.
And if we think over, these problems, due to which we growl and whine, exist only in our imagination. Because if we appreciated what we have, we would never suffer from these little things. Big deal, a train is late on three minutes, but beforetime we would foot-walk. Big deal, smartphones charges slowly — beforetime not everyone had landline telephone in apartment (and more earlier there was no apartments)…
In summary, if we learn to appreciate and to honorably take given things, so, Lord will safe us from real problems, which existence we don't guess about, and will give us goodness and light even in the most hardest and darkest times.
Recorded by Natalia Goroshkova
Опубликовано: Tue, 13/07/2021 - 15:34