Metropolitan Anthony (Packanich) tells about the specialities of the 26th psalm.

The psalm was written by David during the persecutions of Saul before the unction of the king of Israel by the prophet Samuel.

It was the incredibly difficult period in David's life when everyone turned away and walked him out.

The main idea, the core of the psalm are the glorification of the Creator, Who protects and saves from misfortunes all those who believe in Him. 

«The Lord is my light and my salvation; who is then a cause of fear to me? the Lord is the strength of my life; who is a danger to me?» (Psalm 26:1).

To become the man of the Lord is our eternal goal. It means to put all our trust in Him, to draw strength only from His strength and love, to be faithful and devoted to Him all the way, and He will repay a thousandfold.

«When evil-doers, even my haters, came on me to put an end to me, they were broken and put to shame. Even if an army came against me with its tents, my heart would have no fear: if war was made on me, my faith would not be moved.» (Psalm 26:2, 3).

If we’re glad to communicate with God, like plants are glad to the sun, if we are blissful when He is near, and strive for Him more than for any other being, then this is a telltale sign that we are those whom He protects as His men.

"One prayer have I made to the Lord, and this is my heart's desire; that I may have a place in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, looking on his glory, and getting wisdom in his Temple." (Psalm 26:4).

Challenges are life-saving. They change a man and his life. As the darkness thickens, the saving light becomes brighter.

"O Lord, let the voice of my cry come to your ears: have mercy on me, and give me an answer.

When you said, Make search for my face, my heart said to you, For your face will I make my search.

Let not your face be covered from me; do not put away your servant in wrath; you have been my help: do not give me up or take your support from me, O God of my salvation." (Psalm 26:7-9).

Psalms are the reviver, which strengthens food of the soul. We need them, like traveler needs a water and food.

The psalms are our covenant with God, the covenant of our unity with Him. If we are together with the Lord, we should not be afraid of anything, He will protect, strengthen and comfort us.

God is our only support, fortress and banner.


When we read the psalms, we should not strive for any special feelings or enthusiasm. We should not give free loose to feelings, because they are deceitful and transient: we can be influenced by recent communication with someone, by a movie we watched, by a book we read, by the weather, by our physical condition.

It is necessary to go deeper than feelings in prayer. Let our will, through effort, awkwardness, angularity, resistance and confusion, lead us consciously to communication with God.

"Because God sometimes speaks to us most confidentially when he catches us off balance" (Clive Staples Lewis).


Recorded by Natalia Goroshkova



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