Why exactly the feast of the Presentation of the Lord inspired poets to create immortal creations? What's especial about it?

The feast is established in the memory of the Meeting that took place on the fortieth day after the Birth of Christ, described in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 2:22-40). On this day, the Virgin Mary and the righteous Joseph the Betrothed brought the infant Jesus to the Jerusalem temple to make a legally prescribed thank-offering sacrifice to God for the firstborn. The baby Jesus was met in the temple by the righteous elder Simeon.

Candlemas is the meeting of humanity with Christ, the meeting that surpassed all possible expectations. This meeting changed the world forever.

The righteous Simeon in the prayer "Lord, now lettest thou..." confesses joy at the end of waiting, liberation.

The result of the meeting was forgiveness, the liberation of a person from punishment for sin. No one could give us this before.

The Lord has brought freedom from slavery to humankind. He broughtthe healing of the crippled human nature, the restoration of the Image of God in man. And this restoration takes place not only in earthly life, but also in eternal life.

The incarnated Christ, the Second Hypostasis of the Holy Trinity, gave people the light that reveals the knowledge of the True God. The light that will never go out.

Let us starvefor themeeting Christ in this earthly life, fulfilling God's commandments, trusting in Providence and the holy will, pleasing God with good deeds. And then, our meeting with Christ at the Last Judgment will be joyful and saving. This is how it became for the righteous Simeon, Anna the Prophetess and thousands of saints of God.


Recorded by Natalia Goroshkova


Опубликовано: Tue, 15/02/2022 - 09:54


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