We have one immutablecriterionwhich is left by the Savior: by tree’sfruit we will get knowledge of the tree.

No matter how many sweet speeches are run from the mouth of broadcasters, if they are not supported by certain deeds, all words remain only promises, and the speaker of them is a manipulator.

The mountains of plans, circumlocution and pathos are indispensable tools for those who are not going to actually act. And their iridescent promises eventually turn into pipe dreams.

According to observations, deedful people, as a rule, are laconic, they’re stingy with promises, they’re at a loss for words, they do not try to charm someone, attract attention, but they calmly do everyday routine work that brings (necessarily!) itsfruit.

Everything is the same in friendship. You can have a dozen friends who will be affectionate and courteous when you are on a top, but at a difficult moment, when their help is needed – in moments of challenges, they will disappear and become inaccessible. There will be only a few who are ready to be with youtill the end.

"Silence is golden" —the folk wisdom says. And not only because you can talk too much, which you will regret later. We empty ourselves by our words.

Why do we sometimes feel exhausted after a nice and, at first glance, innocent chatter?

There’s no mysticism. There is a unit of energy and strength for the embodiment of something. And, by telling and informing about something in advance, we spill energy and strength on words, but our hands simply do not reach the actions, or there is not enough strength to drag yourself a couple of meters to the top.

That’s why business and obligatory people are intuitively laconic.

Let’s remember the gospel parable about two sons: "A man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go and do work today in the vine-garden. And he said in answer, I will not: but later, changing his decision, he went. And he came to the second and said the same. And he made answer and said, I go, sir: and went not." (Matthew 21:28-30).

We need to trust those who can do business contraryto ourselves and our own interests. And also– we should trust adults.

Is any adult an adult? Alas, no. An adult is the one who takes responsibility, having rights and protecting his rights. It’s the one who realize the extent of his responsibility, without looking around to whom to shift it.

"Make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for by its fruit you will get knowledge of the tree." (Matthew 12:33).

Only by fruits we can recognize a person, distinguish an imaginary righteous person from a repentant sinner.

Recorded by Natalia Goroshkova



Опубликовано: Thu, 23/12/2021 - 13:44


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