Met. Anthony (Pakanich): «Patriarch Bartholomew, in pursuit of unlimited power, legalized the Ukrainian schism»

The Managing director of the UOC commented on the intention of Patriarch Bartholomew to visit Ukraine.

Vladyka Anthony wrote about this on his Facebook page:

«Yesterday Patriarch Bartholomew announced his intention to come to Ukraine. His visit should take place on the eve of the celebration of the Independence Day of our state. Given this aspect, it is not so difficult to assume that the Head of the Phanar will have a rich program, thickly seasoned with political and ideological moments.

But it would be nice if a foreign guest, instead of official receptions or participation in mass events organized specially for him, could at least for a few minutes consistently be in several settlements of Ukraine.

And if this could be realized, much would finally become clear. For example, would the Patriarch be able or not to look directly into the eyes of the religious who were severely beaten during the seizure of the church in the Katerynivka village of the Ternopol region? Or would he be able to confidently say that he brought peace to the church life of Ukraine with his tomos, in front of the family of the deceased Archpriest Leonid Delikatny from the Zadubrovka village of the Chernovtsy region, whose health was irretrievably undermined by endless attacks on him and his community by supporters of the «OCU»? How could the Greek First Hierarch assert that he represents the Mother Church for the children and young grandchildren of priest Stepan Korolchuk from the Polesskoie village of the Rovno region, whom the schismatics together with their large family expelled from their apartment building into the street?

But there are hundreds of similar questions. Because there are hundreds of such cases and incidents involving human grief, pain and suffering. And, whatever one may say, but the lion’s share of responsibility for them is borne by Patriarch Bartholomew, who, in pursuit of unlimited power, legalized the Ukrainian schism and thereby provoked a powerful wave of pressure, as well as persecution of the religious of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Moreover, the visit of the Head of the Phanar to Ukraine may give a new impetus to the above processes. However, this should not scare us. The church went through not such tests. And she always came out of them as a winner. What cannot be said about some of the Patriarchs of Constantinople, whose sad fates testified to the futility of relying on the power of power, and not on God».

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