Metropolitan Anthony (Packanich) about the madness of our era.

The terrible and at the same time beautiful words from the parable of King Solomon sound with new power and meaning today: "Because your ears were shut to my voice; no one gave attention to my out-stretched hand; You were not controlled by my guiding, and would have nothing to do with my sharp words: So in the day of your trouble I will be laughing; I will make sport of your fear; When your fear comes on you like a storm, and your trouble like a rushing wind; when pain and sorrow come on you." (Parables1:24-27).

What is it said about? What are these menaces and damnations on our heads? It is the Wisdom that raises its voice and exposes human madness.

Let's look around. Divine order and arrangement are trampled by the feet of a boor. Ignorance is being elevated to the rank of the norm, of the standard. Hypocrisy and God-resistance rule the world. It seems that the main task is to put into adequate people’s head that they are inadequate. Most, unfortunately, tend to climb down and agree, becoming completely handy. People don't want to stop and think. It is easier not to think, but to swallow what has already been chewed.

The threshold of critical thinking is being pushed back for hitherto inadmissible "red flags".

The space for maneuver is being narrowed, the opportunity to look around, to come to your senses, to analyze, to look from the side is shut out. Sanity is being stalemated as something obscene.

A sign of our time is a crazy race, a constant change of pictures, a flow of information.People do not have time to feel and understand anything, they do not hear each other. Humanity does not really live. It eats on the run, it doesn’t communicate, replacing communication with soulless text messages. It rushes in the middle of nowhere. The times are being twisted into a scroll.

We have a gifted perfect tuning fork – the gospel words in which the truth sounds, the right path is pointed. We should measure everything in our life with the best navigation in the world. And then, no one will get lost and go far afield.

Truly naive is the one who believes that he is the proprietor of his life. The proprietor of life is the One Who gave life – our Father and Creator. The rest are impostors and thieves.

Recorded by Natalia Goroshkova


Опубликовано: Mon, 20/12/2021 - 13:55


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