The saving day has come. An ancient prophecy has been fulfilled:«The virgin will be with child, and will give birth to a son, and they will give him the name Immanuel, that is, God with us».

Today we prayerfully remember that amazing day. The day when the Almighty and Incomprehensible God inspired in the utero of the Virgin Mary and became a man to save the dying world. The Merciful God loved man so much that he was reduced to him. He became one of us. The miracle of the conception of the Christ Child cannot be comprehended by the human mind; it is the secret of religion (1 Timothy3:16).

According to St. John Chrysostom, the feast of the Annunciation is the root and beginning of all holidays. Church sees «the beginning of our salvation» in the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to the Most Pure Virgin Mary.

The Most Holy Virgin is the purest and most beautiful fruit that has ever ripened on earth; the best examplewho a person can be; the peak of the God's creative energy; the sacrifice, offered by humanity to God. And the Lord accepted this sacrifice, bestowing in return the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Pleiades of christians had always been inspired by the life of the Virgin Mary, by Her Face. Many saints praised the Mother of God, trying to find the most beautiful, honorable, tender words and epithets. "Any spring water has never been such a pure reflection of the sun as the Most Pure Virgin Mary was a reflection of purity. And the morning dawn, which gives birth to the sun, would be ashamed in front of the purity of the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to the Immortal Sun, to the Our Christ Savior. Whosekneel will not crouch in the face of Her, whose lips will not cry out: "Rejoice, Gracious One! Rejoice, the Dawn of the human salvation! Rejoice, Most Honest cherub and Most Glorious seraphim! Glory to Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to the Father and the Holy Spirit – the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen," — wrote St. Nikolai (Velimirovich).

The Annunciation is the eternal hope of salvation; it is the morning dew, quenching hunger after a hot night; it is the sunrise, flaming in the darkness.

It is the first union of the fallen man with the One God, after the Fall, which happened in the heart of the Virgin Mary.

Today we echo the exultant angelic song, which will spread in its entirety over the earth and the entire Universe nine months later: "Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased" (Luke 2:14). "Glory to God" is the heartfelt song of the Virgin Mary, "peace to the earth" is the Savior’s promise.


Опубликовано: Thu, 07/04/2022 - 14:24


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