Why do false-elders appear? Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) tells about the signs of a true elder.
Not so long ago, the Church banned a number of priests from serving, whom the worshippers considered "elders". Without going into the details of each of these cases, we would like to talk about how to distinguish a real elder from an impostor.
1. The goal of any true confessor is to lead people to Christ, but not to himself, creating a sect of worshippers around him;
2. A real elder never violates the will of someone who has appealed to him for spiritual advice. A spiritual advice is exactly an advice, not an order;
3. A real elder, especially in the rank of a schemamonk, is dead to the world, and he contacts with "external" people only so far as necessary and certainly does not make a public scandals, does not act like a "star", does not make a show in the mass media and does not get into politics. It is difficult to imagine how, for example, the Optina Elders scandalize, horning about the downsides of their neighbors, gage someone.
4. A real elder never offends the hierarchy of his Church. He observes the church oath and obedience.
5. A real elder is humble. If the pretender to the role of an elder shows pride, vanity and malice — this is an impostor.
Why do false-elders appear? There’re a variety of causes. The Church began to revive 30 years ago. From the inhabitant’s view — it is a significant period, but for history — it is so small.
It is impossible to solve problems in such a short time which actually require a longer time. You can't bring up the elders in a hurry.
Eldership is a deed to which the Lord brings only the most humble and meek. Humbling is a hard daily work for many years, without weekends and awards, which only a person and Lord God know about.
Опубликовано: Tue, 10/08/2021 - 21:12