The editorial board of the portal "Orthodox Life" cordially congratulates the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kiev and All Ukraine with his 77th birthday. Many and good years!

The Guardian Angel rejoices in our good deeds, and he becomes sad when we do evil. We must try to live in such a way that the Angels rejoice in our habitation.

In order to avoid sin, a person must know what the God’s will is. This we learn from our conscience, and this we learn from the Holy Scriptures.

The person who constantly has prayer in his mouth and in his heart, combined with confession, is difficult to reach for the dark forces, because prayer protects him.

Today, there are responsible, difficult times, but in these times you should payattention to yourself. In order to not let political passions and human wisdom lead us astray from the path of true faith. If we keep our faith pure, try to live with faith, then God will send us peace and quiet. If we immerse ourselves into the abyss of human passions, enmity, confrontation, then, of course, we will lose our way from God's path, and this will lead to no good.

The wisdom of life lies in the ability to brookour neighbor. We should takeour neighbor at face value. Do you want him to be better? Pray for him. God can make him better. This is how christian patience manifests itself.

As a person strains for air, so a soul that does not have prayer becomes dead and insensitive.

God doesn't need our prayer.We need it, which is spiritual oxygen, but without that a person perishes. This conversation with God reveals the sources of life in human.

One is when people shed their blood for Christ, the second is when they suffer reproaches, insults, offenses for their faith. Such people receive the crown of bloodless martyrdom.

Thoughts filled with love, mercy, patience, and respect attract God's grace, but those that harbor anger, hatred, and pride drive it away. If we are overwhelmed with thoughts of anger, hatred, pride, it is a symbol that the image of God in us is damaged.

Today we especially have to live according to christian laws, but not according to the laws of this world. There is no need to look at how the world lives, there are slightly different rules in it.

If there is no grace of God, then a person can be placed in the most beautiful place, surrounded by all the benefits of the world, and he will still be unhappy.

The more a person collects earthly goods, the more he fall into despair, because they do not bring spiritual joy. You can collect all the treasures of the earth and put them in front of you and be the most unhappy person at the same time.

Afflictions are a spiritual lesson in which a person learns his infirmity and the power of God. And the harder the grief is, the deeper this lesson for a person is. The only thing that is required from us is that we endure these sorrows with patience and with gratitude to God.

No need to wait. Great stories are the work of great people, and we are small people. And we have to do small things.

Love for enemies does not come easily, but we must through the use of prayers, reading the Holy Scriptures, self-compulsion and patience fight with ourselves and forgive those who have offended us.

During our earthly life, we need to take care of havinga decent dress for the soul. Sin besmears our spiritual clothes. When we sin, we must immediately repent in front ofGod.

Courage is a movement against the stream. As we know, only dead fish flows gladly, where the river flows, but live fish flows upstream, to a clean source and pristine surroundings. Only one who have acquired at least some measure of humility is capable of real courage.

Somesay, there are many prohibitions in christianity, but this is not so. Everything is allowed, but in extent and wisely. The saints show us how little we really need for life.

If a person is attentive to himself, he leads a decent life according to the commandments of God, then he feels the presence of God — both in himself, and next to him, and in the whole Universe.

Every person is a vessel of God's grace. Touch a person — and you will touch the grace of God.

Опубликовано: Fri, 05/11/2021 - 09:56


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