Will the world accept Christ ever?

We can find the answer in the words of the gospel: "I am conscious that you are Abraham's seed; but you have a desire to put me to death because my word has no place in you" (John 8:37).

Should the seed of Abraham be understood only as the sons and daughters of the Jewish people? Obviously,not.

We are talking about all those who cannot contain Divine Revelation, including those who consider themselves as followers of Christ. Unfortunately, not everybody, who call themselves christians, are christians. Not everyone lives by His Word, not everyone is filled with Light and Truth.

The tragedy of humanity also lies in the fact that, having lost the primary ability to hear and see, having lost the opportunity to be an interlocutor and friend of the Creator, a person remains in a condition of, as they say, "petrified insensitivity", the inability to accept God's grace in its entirety.

Having lost the purity, the soul, tormented by sin, no longer needs grace. It had lost the old thirst in it. What a terrible condition!

And only the Lord can restore this ability to a person. Humanity has reached a dead end. And there is no other way out of it, except through Christ.

"I am the door: if any man goes in through me he will have salvation, and will go in and go out, and will get food." (John 10:9).

But the world resists and refuses to enter through the door.It does not want to accept Christ. St. Luke of Crimea said: "Only those who enter this door with deep faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, with ardent love to Him, with determination to follow the path He calls, only those will find pasture, only those will find everything they need, like sheep need pasture. Only those will find pasture in the Kingdom of God – only they alone will enter the sheep yard."

Due to the fact that people, damaged by sin, do not want to know the truth about themselves, do not recognize the dangerous disease of their soul, but they increasingly immerse in lies and fear, they look again and again for how to kill Christ «because My Word does has no place in you».

The non-placement of the Word of God is the most dangerous disease of mankind.


Recorded by Natalia Goroshkova


Опубликовано: Wed, 16/02/2022 - 19:08


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