How to understand whether you keep the fast properly? 1 sign

A spiritual advice for the Great Lent from the Metropolitan Anthony (Packanich).

A spiritual advice for the Great Lent from the Metropolitan Anthony (Packanich). There’s one marker that definitely indicates if we really do everything correctly. This marker is our peaceful spirit. Only a person with a pure heart, without any evil thoughts can have the peaceful spirit.

The goal of every fasting is to come to God, to our Savior and Creator. This coming is a spiritual afterlight, a seeing of a Divine plan. The Beatitudes say who can see the Celestial: blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Therefore, only those who don’t let the evil come into their souls under no pretext, neither by thoughts nor ideas, and do lenten for real, follow the right course.

Physical restraint helps spiritual struggle. The harmony restores in human’s organism: soul, spirit and body tune in one wave and get their act together; this frame of mind lets person pull through what he couldn’t handle before. Of course, all this happens with God’s willing and God’s blessing.



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