Metropolitan Anthony (Packanich) told which psalm to read in order to set your life to rights.

The words from 115th psalm are excellent and wonderful. Their simplicity and accuracy adjust spirit and mind to the highest spiritual tune.

«The human’s spirit gains qualities, which appertain its activity», wrote St. Ignatius(Brianchaninov).

That’s why it’s so important to constantly draw out your spirit from the darkness to the light, from the unbelief to belief.

All «impressions, summing property of a spirit in the time of death, remain as property forever, they are key to its eternal blessing or its eternal distress», according to the words of Ignatius (Brianchaninov).


«O LORD, truly I am Your servant; I am Your servant, the son of Your maidservant; You have loosed my bonds».

Lord, You let me go from empty and needless actions and words, from unstoppable pursuit for things, which are strange for my soul, removed all deathly and destructivefrom me by Your hand.

You filled with Yourself all empty places of my heart and showed the light of True, having given authentic joy and comfort.

You helped me remove from my life all what was pulling me down, weighting my spirit, all husk and needless. And You replaced them. You saddled Yourself with my debilities and called up my will from nothingness and madness.

You filled my life with sense, having become its Sense.

«I believed, therefore I spoke, «I am greatly afflicted».

I say in that way because I believe. And You are only one worry of my soul. You are my beneficence.

I’m shattering about the time when I wasn't responding on Your call, when I wasn't filled with You.

«All men are liars».

Feeling Your presence and Your grace-filled help more and more, I realize that in comparison with your greatness, goodness, your truth, any person, even the best, is lying and insignificant. Therefore, my trust is only in You, Lord.

The relationship between the Creator and the creation will never be compared to the relationship of one creation with another.

«God is both further from us, and nearer to us, than any other being. He is further from us because the sheer difference between that which has Its principle of being in Itself and that to which being is communicated, is one compared with which the difference between an archangel and a worm is quite insignificant. He makes, we are made: He is original, we derivative. But at the same time, and for the same reason, the intimacy between God and even the meanest creature is closer than any that creatures can attain with one another», pointed Clive Lewis.

Love for God is inherent in man at his creation. This is the root of life, without which there is no life itself. Every moment is a gift from the Creator, our being warms only thanks to His energies and His will, our thoughts are guided by His power communicating to us.

The Creator is perfect. His creations are created brilliantly and skillfully and perfect in Him, His love. If we complain about our destiny, our assignment, then we strive not for more, but for less love.

Only faith in the Lord and His will and conscious desire to submit to it return everyone to God's originally conceived plan for us.

This is the beginning of beginnings. The beginning of our unity with God, which opens the door to eternal bliss to the soul.


Recorded by Natalia Goroshkova

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