Certainly, almost each of us considers himself as a true christian. Because we do not sin the most terrible sins: we do not kill, we do not steal, we do not commit adultery, we go to church on Sundays and even give alms.
But let's think about how many people around us do an audacious move – commit suicide, or kill their neighbors or their own children in a condition of temporary insanity…
It would seem, how is it connected with us? But the point is that all this does not happen suddenly and not in some vacuum. All this brew gradually in front of tens or hundreds of people.
Just think how indifferent and inattentive we are to our neighbor, if terrible tragedies ripen almost before our eyes, but we do not notice them, and we are horrified when it is too late to change something.
One can oppose: everyone has their own problems. Of course, they do. But we are not just units of society, not just blind-deaf individuals who live by themselves. We are christians, which means that we are all one body. The body of the Church, the body of Christ. And we are all members of this holy body, which God has proportioned, "so that there might be no division in the body; but all the parts might have the same care for one another. And if there is pain in one part of the body, all the parts will be feeling it; or if one part is honoured, all the parts will be glad," the apostle tells us (I Corinthians 12:25-26).
Just imagine how many misfortunes could have been avoided, if we had been at least little interested in the lives of our neighbors, if we had noticed some problems and talked to them. None of the troubles, that we are talking about now, happened by itself and suddenly. If only we were more attentive to each other!
Indifference kills. This is not just a statement, but the sad truth of life. And none of our virtues, no fastings and ascetic deeds will make up for the guilt when we, in our imaginary righteousness, passed by a person who needed — no, not financial help, not some special conditions – the simple human participation.
Let's think about it! May the Lord save us all!
Recorded by Natalia Goroshkova